3 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important for Businesses

When asked, the majority of people agree that Content Marketing is important for businesses.

In fact, according to HubSpot:

“82% of marketers actively use content marketing.”

So while it might be easy for small and medium sized business to agree that content marketing is important for businesses, it is not unusual to feel hard pressed as to WHY content marketing is important for business.

In this blog, we are going to cover 3 reasons why content marketing is important for businesses (and how you can set up a content strategy to CRUSH 2023!)

Your Brand Can Be a Leader in Your Industry by Sharing Insights and Information

As the noise perpetually grows online, it can be hard to know how to cut through it.

This wall of sound makes it extremely difficult to break through en masse (which is why you should be skeptical if anyone tells you they can help you “go viral.”) However, if you change the strategy from “sell” to “educate” the paths toward success begin to become more visible.

In general, people work with those that they know, like and trust. So it benefits companies to invest in marketing efforts that will position them as leaders and trusted advisors.

The best way to do that is to prove your worth through the sharing of information with your target demographic. Use video, blogs, infographics, presentations, etc. to answer their questions, broaden their understanding and help them visualize the direction their industry is headed.

Help Your Brand Get Found on Google

Every piece of content you create has the potential to be the thing that takes someone from a Google search to a new happy client.

If done correctly, and planned out in advance, the blogs that you write can act as landing pages that bring in potential clients as they are in the consideration or decision stages of the buyer's journey.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy should go hand-in-hand with your content marketing and should dictate the content you create.

This is not limited to blog writing! As you create video content and post it to YouTube and your website, they will act as opportunities for you to connect with potential customers. 

Drive Website Traffic by Sharing Your Content Through Social and Email 

One of the best things about content marketing is that content breeds content.

Here is one of our favorite examples:

Let's say you create a 15-minute long video interview. Just you being interviewed by an employee or coworker about the state of the industry.

Great news! Now you have not only a 15-minute long video but: 

  • Multiple 2 minute long short video answers. 

  • Many 15-30 second sound bite videos.

  • The topics for a couple of blogs (with your thoughts informing the directions he blog goes.)

With that content, you now have a ton of ammunition to use on multiple social media posts, touch-point emails, newsletters, etc.

If you house all of this content on your website in a way that stresses content experience, you have the ability to drive potential clients and customers to your website and the infrastructure to keep them their for a comparably long time. 

SO…Why is Content Marketing Important for Business?

You spend your extremely valuable and finite time working to build a business. Content marketing is important for businesses, because it is the way that you will tell the story of that spent time. It is your chance to the collective knowledge of the industry.

Most importantly, it is an excellent way to grow your business!


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